Beware the Savage Jaw of 2024!I am already starting to have heart palpitations with all of the chattering about the GOP and Trump coming in 2024. Hearing bits from the touring Trump rallies happening today and commentaries on news platforms and yes, Bill Maher whose perspectives and thoughts I take seriously, the dred of what could be coming is stoking fear inside my soul.
Why every American is not bewildered by the response of our judicial system to the happenings of January 6, 2021 is beyond my reasoning. I see insurrectionists being given 45 days in jail, 3 months and more of the like. People died behind this rampage and still, members of the GOP continue to support the mad man who ramped and rallied his supporters up which crescendoed into the violence that occured on that day. I hear his supporters and members of Congress denying that 1/6 was violent, it was only a tourist walk of the Capitol. Oh please, the world knows exactly what happened and knuckleheads like Ted Cruz continue to propagate the big lie. As an aging and retired baby boomer, I find myself becoming more and more frightened of the future. I believe we do need a revolution in this country however Donald Trump is NOT the savior. There are serious problems affecting our country and our world. To think for a sliver of a moment that Donald J. Trump is a fixer for the common man, the answer to America's and the world's problems is ludicrous. Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump. He comes first before his wife, his children, his family or anyone else. It is a huge mistake to believe anything else. He wants to be king, to be an exalted ruler with riches beyond his dreams... well... maybe not beyond his dreams, however to think that Trump cares about those struggling in the lower castes is wrong, baby wrong. In the coming weeks I will be providing factual truths about The Donald as so many are not interested in doing the research themselves, which hey, I get it so I'll make it easy. Stay tuned.....
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AuthorRene Bechard - Still learning, still growing and still outraged by politicians ArchivesCategories |